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Clip Art: Hieroglyphs

The clip art available on this page is for personal use only (school projects, stationery, personal web pages, etc.) You may not use any of the clip art images for any commercial purpose including but not limited to advertising, web pages for any business or money-making effort, logos or signage, business letterhead, graphics within software, and packing for any product. Every byte of data on is registered with the Library of Congress and as such is protected by the United States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. You must treat all content of as any other copyrighted material such as computer software or books.

Neferchichi's Clip Art Collection

Want to give your home page an Egyptian theme? Writing a report or making a multimedia presentation about ancient Egypt? When you are ready for an even bigger selection of clip art than we give away here, Neferchichi's Clip Art Collection will help satisfy your scribal needs! The download includes nearly 400 images of gods, hieroglyphics, monuments, amulets, animals, people, mummies, and decorative elements. Make your handouts pop with Egyptian style!

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